Residential Addiction Treatment from Hebron Trust

Hebron Trust offers a safe, nurturing and supportive community environment where clients can rehabilitate from drug and alcohol dependency and their associated problems.

Hebron Trust Staff

Residents are able to completely remove themselves from their environments and join up to nine other women who share the common goal of recovery. Leaving home means people can break free of old contacts and focus fully on their recovery without distraction in a sheltered community.

Is Hebron Trust right for you? You are the only person who can answer that. Do you want to stop drinking or using drugs? Do you know that you need help to do this, and stay sober?

Hebron House is drug and alcohol free, which means clients cannot use substances and may be asked to leave if they do so. On admission, you will need to be completely drug and alcohol free – following an inpatient or home detox if required.

Hebron House is located in a quiet suburb of Norwich, which is surrounded by countryside, rivers and lakes and is about 20 minutes from the sea. It is conveniently located for the train station and just two hours from central London. A comfortable building with a secluded garden, large rooms and space for ten residents, it provides a physically and emotionally safe place to make changes and begin to live a drug and alcohol free life.Hebron Trust House

So, what will happens while you’re there? Treatment structure, care and rehabilitation is flexible to support you in your own choices and you’re free to leave at any time. You are also encouraged to negotiate your own goals and length of stay – we find that people who stay for more than three months are more likely to maintain a stable, drug and alcohol-free lifestyle after leaving, and most women stay for around 5-6 months in order to get the programme’s full benefit.

Following a brief induction period, you will be allocated a keyworker to oversee all aspects of your placement. Hebron provides a variety of groups to help build your recovery. As the programme is based on the 12 steps there are several groups based around this, alongside relapse prevention, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), relationship groups, self-esteem courses and community meetings. We also offer leisure activities such as swimming, art and badminton.CQC Logo

Structured one-to-one work is with your keyworker, involving a mixture of counselling and teaching, plus ‘homework’ to be competed between sessions. The purpose of counselling is to support you in day-to-day life without drugs or alcohol, while other issues may also be included as agreed between you.


“Hebron Trust has saved my life and taught me tools to help me sustain it”

“My first impression of Hebron was how warm and friendly the house felt and couldn’t wait to tell my drug worker that I would like to do my rehab here”

“When I came to Hebron I was totally broken – my mind, body and spirit was in pieces. You have helped me to become strong and believe in myself. Through my time at Hebron, I now have hope for a better and more positive future”


Is Hebron Trust right for you?


View a previous client’s journey, give our team a call on 01603 439905 or visit to find out more