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[…] A&E, helping them at early stages of substance misuse. 14 Regulars LettersWorkforce development is not a gloomy issue!; in defence of the ‘Breakthrough Britain’ report; the best harm reduction is abstinence. 8 Post-its from Practice Getting into treatment can be a long and tor tuous business, says Dr Chris Ford. 13 Background briefing The third […]
[…] – from both illegal drugs and substitute medications – should be seen as the ‘gold standard’ treatment goal, or whether this threatens the gains brought about through harm reduction is at the centre of a series of events organised by a coalition of substance misuse organisations including DrugScope and the Conference Consortium. The three half-day […]
[…] are many others just like me who want to get alongside all kinds of people to help, so for God’s sake use us. Bri Edwards Conflict resolution Harm reduction versus abstinence – O'Hare, Best, McCartney and Kingdon (DDN, 5 October, page 8 and 19 October, page 10). Surely it's not either/or but both. In any […]
[…] as the aims and objectives of the ser vice. For example – a drug ser vice seeking to engage with active drug users and provide them with harm reduction information and ser vices, may encourage current users to be involved in their ser vice as employees DrugScope / National Treatment Agency, Enhancing Drug Ser vices, […]
[…] activism www.drinkanddrugsnews.com LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS âIf people take drugs, let them do it safely,â said Theo van Dam, whose mission is to convince politicians to embrace harm reduction Drug user activismwas a way of making sure that political decision makers listened to the experts, Theo van Dam of Dutch ser vice user activist group […]
[…] activism www.drinkanddrugsnews.com LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS âIf people take drugs, let them do it safely,â said Theo van Dam, whose mission is to convince politicians to embrace harm reduction Drug user activismwas a way of making sure that political decision makers listened to the experts, Theo van Dam of Dutch ser vice user activist group […]
More countries implementing harm reduction services
The number of countries implementing key harm reduction services has increased for the first time in almost a decade, according to the latest Global state of harm reduction report from Harm Reduction International (HRI). The increase has been driven by the launch of new NSP services in five African countries, as well as officially sanctioned […]
DDN November 2020
[…] provide an opportunity to work closely with the. mabazine. Please bet in touch to find ou.t more. COMMUNITIES AND PARTNERS The community has lost one of its harm reduction pioneers, Gill Bradbury . Gill was a skilled nurse, energetic activist and passionate about putting harm reduction into practice. A deeply caring person, she put saving […]
[…] not enough, according to Ian Gilmore, president of the Royal College of Physicians. ‘There are people binge-drinking in their houses,’ he reminded the conference. Head of alcohol harm reduction for the Home Office, Alex Lahood pointed out that the sole responsibility could not just be passed to the Department of Health as the health issues […]
[…] funding to ensure it happens, is frankly unbelievable. There have been a number of justifiable concerns expressed lately around Britain losing its way as the vanguard of harm reduction, or that user involvement is becoming increasingly tokenistic, but this model gives us the oppor tunity to achieve something truly exceptional, exciting and unique. We’ve been […]
DDN March2021
[…] trauma and domestic violence INSIDE 4 NEWS Lockdown had little effect on drub supply; increase in alcohol deaths 9 REVIEW Doublas Stuartâs Shubbie Bain 10 LETTERS Reroutinb harm reduction; blobal network; new podcast 13 NEW DIRECTIONS Insibhts from a prison-based therapeutic community 15 UNEQUbL BURDEN Alcohol, domestic violence and socio.economic status 16 I bM b... […]
[…] tobacco on individual users, as well as information on the law. The director of SCDEA said it was an impor tant advance in the Scottish Police Service’s harm reduction activity. Testing not the answer Employee drug testing is not the only way to tackle workplace drug and alcohol problems, says the EAP Institute in Dublin. […]
[…] to do well. It emphasises the argument reiterated in our letters page and in FDAP conference presentations – that It’s not about reducing the options to ‘either harm reduction or abstinence’, but about making sure we have both, at the time the individual is ready – and this can not be emphasised enough in a […]
[…] in our article, it’s important that drug teams know the specifics about these drugs so they are confident in treating clients and know how to dispense essential harm reduction advice. As we begin a new year in which ‘recovery’ is the only flavour for many, the anthrax cases among heroin users in Scotland are a […]
Back to ‘Brilliant Basics’ for Change Grow Live with a HIT Harm Reduction Partnership
Change Grow Live are excited about a new relationship with long-standing harm reduction experts HIT to deliver an ambitious harm reduction training program with the specialist training and consultancy agency. HIT, formerly the Mersey Drug Training and Information Centre, was established in 1985 to reduce drug-related harm and set up one of the UK’s first […]
Festival spirit
[…] afford not to be ready’, he stated. ‘It’s not about promoting specific services, or one specific model. It’s really to integrate and support the development of the harm reduction system, which is a combination of interventions.’ ‘Most of our volunteers are party attenders who come together to help each other,’ said Gabriel Borkowski of the […]
[…] |Round-up www.drinkanddrugs.net 4| drinkanddrugsnews| 21 May 2007 The government last week came under fire for its refusal to carry out a full consultation on its new alcohol harm reduction strategy, due for release later this summer. Securing a private member’s debate in the House of Commons last Wednesday, Conservative MP David Burrowes criticised the government’s […]
[…] said Danny Kushlick of the Transform Drugs Policy Foundation, spokesperson for the group. DHA’s active recruitment has so far attracted The Alliance, the Beckley Foundation, the International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA), the Kaleidoscope Project, Release, the Socialist Health Alliance, Plymouth Public Health Development Unit and the UK Harm Reduction Alliance (UKHRA). With ‘no strong evidence […]
[…] would the Conservatives go about addressing that? ‘It’s something we’re definitely looking at,’ he says. ‘What’s interesting from my role within all par ty parliamentary groups on harm reduction and drugs misuse is that all sides of the debate – whether they support harm reduction or abstinence – seem to be united in criticism of […]
[…] would the Conservatives go about addressing that? ‘It’s something we’re definitely looking at,’ he says. ‘What’s interesting from my role within all par ty parliamentary groups on harm reduction and drugs misuse is that all sides of the debate – whether they support harm reduction or abstinence – seem to be united in criticism of […]
[…] from Wandsworth PCT. REGULARS 4 NEWS ROUND-UP : Pressure grows to introduce minimum alcohol unit price • EU launches mephedrone investigation • Scots harden their attitudes towards harm reduction • Organisations join forces on drug treatment policy • News in brief 8 LETTERS : Talk on talking therapies, the ‘real’ nature of addiction. 16 JOBS, […]
[…] might look like. 11 STAR QUALITY Don Shenker describes holistic new outcome measures for alcohol services. 12 USING THE EVIDENCE DDN asked John Ryan, CEO of Australian harm reduction association Anex, whether he faced the same challenges as the UK. 13 DUAL IN THE CROWN Brendan Georgeson reports on a very personal project – Bristol’s […]
[…] has failed to properly address drug and alcohol problems, it says, and claims that a ‘medical management’ approach to treatment has simply entrenched addiction, while the ‘preferred harm reduction approach to drugs education in schools could be doing as much harm as good’. Among the report’s proposals are an integrated addiction policy to replace separate […]
[…] settings,’ he added. Europe calls for local authorities to fine-tune policies to regional need News |Round-up www.drinkanddrugs.net 2 July 2007 | drinkanddrugsnews| 5 The government’s latest alcohol harm reduction strategy is an important step forward in addressing the nation’s drinking problems, but it still contains fundamental flaws, Alcohol Concern has stated. In its response to […]
Hit Hot Topics: The word on the streets
The Word on the Streets This year’s Hit Hot Topics asked, how can we give harm reduction most impact on the frontline? DDN reports, pics by Nigel Brunsdon. ‘What the heck are we doing, criminalising people for what they do to themselves?’ Nanna Gotfredson is the founder of Gadejuristen, the ‘Street Lawyers’ of Denmark. She […]
[…] on show at the Tatton Park Flower Show. Media watch A call for a rational, swift response to the diamorphine shortage has been made by the UK Harm Reduction Alliance (UKHRA), which highlights a range of government excuses as unacceptable. Shortage of the drug, triggered by problems at the Chiron supply factory in Merseyside, have […]
[…] ran the contract for most Scottish prisons, said Ms Parker. Care after release included a contract with service providers that accounted for prisoners’ reduced tolerance. Information on harm reduction was being distributed, through a magazine for women, a comic for young offenders and a safe tattooing booklet for men. Acknowledging that a holistic planning process […]
[…] harm reduction or to promote harmreduction as a social/political movement. Whilst Gerr y may feel that this suggests a false dichotomy between the two, it is also the reason why some researchers may feel inclined to play down their negative findings when evaluating harm reduction agencies. Indeed, the fact that the incident to which I referred in my original letter was repor ted at an openmeeting suggests an expectation thatsuch an admission would be sympathetically accepted by delegates – which indeed it was. Linking social movements and science creates considerable pressure on researchers and Gerr y Stimson is too good aresearcher not to recognise that. Whilst Gerr y may indeed place considerable value on critical self reflection, the fact is that none of the papers or presentations I attendedw ere remotely critical of the harm reduction approach. Criticism does not have to be destructive and I am certainly not advocating that the conference invites attacks from thosewho are unsympathetic to its core principles. However, those who are supportive of harm reduction must have areas of their work where they are less clear of the benefits of what they aredoing and it is their critical self-reflection which will lead to positive development of the harm reductionapproach. Finally, I would only add that I am puzzled that Gerr y should re fer to my reference to loved ones who may be harmed by people’s drug use as being rhetorical. What I meant in my letter was the harm that is experienced by parents, siblings, husbands, and wives as a result of their loved one’s drug use. The conference had too little to say to these people, and too little about the idea of ‘Criticism does not have to be destructive […]
DDN 050124
[…] young people can be reassured that the message will not be rammed down their necks. ‘We aim to give them structure – information on drug laws and harm reduction messages,’ says Riaz. ‘The infor- mation is real and they can make an informed choice.’ A tier 2 ser vice, the ‘keep it real’ programme is […]
The easiest win
‘There’s so much to be gained by getting tobacco harm reduction to the highest-risk groups,’ says David MacKintosh, director at Knowledge Action Change (KAC). And one of the highest-risk groups of all is the rough sleeping population. KAC runs the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (GSTHR) project, which is funded by a grant from […]
[…] Humber), CASA Family Ser vice (London), Drugs Specialist Nurse Team â Bristol Royal Infirmar y (South West), RAPt â HM Prison Send (South East), the North Wales Harm Reduction Team and West Midlands Police DIP. Meeting the need A new facility is to be opened in Kent by the Kenward Trust in response to an […]
DDN 050124
[…] young people can be reassured that the message will not be rammed down their necks. ‘We aim to give them structure – information on drug laws and harm reduction messages,’ says Riaz. ‘The infor- mation is real and they can make an informed choice.’ A tier 2 ser vice, the ‘keep it real’ programme is […]
DDN 050110
[…] would be counter-productive given that a third of drug users drop out of treatment within the first 12 weeks as it is. They also call for more harm reduction measures to stabilise chaotic lifestyles – safe injecting rooms, expansion of heroin prescribing programmes, and investment for all those who work with substance misuse, including GPs […]
A proud tradition
[…] to the needs of those who came through its doors, including around drug use and, in particular, heroin. From the outset Kaleidoscope’s focus was very much about harm reduction and it pioneered needle and syringe exchange and substitute medication. Kaleidoscope’s innovative approaches led Newport City Council, the police and the health board to ask Kaleidoscope […]
[…] needed for vulnerable children • Scots look local with treatment cash • More herbal cannabis on sale • News in brief 8 LETTERS AND COMMENT Don’t dismiss harm reduction; call for NTA change; buck passing on naloxone; FDAP event 9 POST-ITS FROM PRACTICE Dental pain needs recognising not ignoring, says Dr Chris Ford. 16 JOBS, […]
Harm reduction on a knife edge
Disinvestment in harm reduction is hurting services and failing clients, say those struggling to maintain life-saving provision. DDN reports. ‘A couple of weeks ago I had a call from the BBC, asking if I could speak on their breakfast show about issues faced by a pharmacist in Staffordshire,’ says Philippe Bonnet, chair of the National […]
[…] name and address withheld You can email Ian Dickinson direct, with further comments or suggestions in response to his letter in the 17 October issue, at ian.dickinson@awp.nhs.uk Harm Reduction – Water, water everywhere but not a drop to dig? It’s another rainy autumn day and I’ve just tried to explain to a dripping wet client […]
Release to open Harm Reduction Hub in London
Release is opening a Harm Reduction Hub in London – here the charity explains how you can help. Why we need a Harm Reduction Hub in London The spread of synthetic opioids and their contamination of multiple drug supplies across the UK means they are here to stay. The UK is the deadliest country in […]
Igniting the debate
DDN visited the Global Forum on Nicotine in Warsaw to hear about the challenges of mainstreaming tobacco harm reduction. Earlier this year we looked at tobacco harm reduction and observed that smoking still causes 8m deaths a year. Why had there been so many false starts on finding safer ways to use nicotine? Despite brilliant […]
[…] last week, invited speakers and audience to consider the drug strategy of the last ten years – and what the next ten years will bring. Primary strategy: harm reduction ‘Our main strategy has been to reduce harm – and this has been grounded in public service agreements,’ said Vic Hogg, head of the Drug Strategy […]
[…] at a recent seminar and learnt from innovative schemes (page 12). Gar y Rees shows determination to improve communication between prisons and makes progress in healthcare and harm reduction through the innovative ‘Sparcle!’ network, on page 10. Finally, amid reports of how crystal meth is devastating America, the Home Office reclassified the drug this week. […]
[…] & aggressive behaviour 26 Feb Steroids 2 March Women & drugs 23 May Working with diversity 2 Oct Bins & needles – safer injecting 14 Nov & harm reduction Two day courses (£195 + VAT) Motivational interviewing 28 Feb- 1 March Training for trainers 7-8 March Supervision skills 12-13 March Brief solution focussed therapy 14-15 […]
[…] to miss,’ said Mr Gunner. www.netmums.com Calculating coverage A new web resource to help ser vices estimate whether syringe distribution matches estimated need has been launched by Harm Reduction Works. Coverage – the extent to which healthcare inter ventions reach their target population – calculator available at www.harmreductionworks.org.uk/5_web/ coverage_calculator/index.php News in Brief Red Cross brings […]
DDN 050404
[…] uptake contradicts Home Office panic | Homeless battle bus sets off on tour |Scots clubbers get smar t advice |Lancaster prison officers plan ‘jailbreak’ |Views needed on harm reduction 4 Features Cover story Climb every mountain Noelle O’Brien looks at how Positive Futures workers address difficult issues of social exclusion, drugs and crime, through the […]
Experts by experience – full referenced version
[…] just barbs with your skin, sometimes it can be tough” so I said, “yeah”, and I stopped.’ The advice given by the drugs worker contrasts with current harm reduction rhetoric that equates the use of used works with disease transmission and personal (ir)responsibility, rather than injecting pain and pleasure. However, it was this focus on […]
[…] to Alan McGee’s new record label 35b, performed in front around 200 people and a raffle was held to raise further funds. Feedback from the event was that it was an enjoyable evening and an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of addiction while highlighting harm reduction, with an alcohol-free bar upstairs as well as alcohol for those who wished to drink safely. This worked really well, with no reported incidents of drunkenness or trouble. […]
[…] to Alan McGee’s new record label 35b, performed in front around 200 people and a raffle was held to raise further funds. Feedback from the event was that it was an enjoyable evening and an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of addiction while highlighting harm reduction, with an alcohol-free bar upstairs as well as alcohol for those who wished to drink safely. This worked really well, with no reported incidents of drunkenness or trouble. […]
[…] effectively, and drug related deaths reduced.’ The review is the second of three to assess the performance of substance misuse treatment services. Commissioning drug treatment systems and harm reduction servicesavailable at www.healthcarecommission.org.uk/_db/_documents/Improvin g_services_for_substance_misuse_Commissioning_drug_treat ment_and_harm_reduction_services.pdf Scotland picks up £2bn alcohol misuse tab The cost of alcohol misuse in Scotland added up to around £2.25bn in 2006/07, […]
[…] Specific policies against drug production usually served to move the problem elsewhere, it says, such as the shifting of cocaine production from Bolivia and Peru to Columbia. Harm reduction, however, though still controversial in some countries, was finding ‘wider acceptance’. The report looked at the period since the declaration adopted by the 1998 UN General […]
DDN May 2020
[…] Gearinb up for whatâs ahead Keeping service users and their families safe 12 A2 blaire Brown, editor Keep in touch at www.drinkanddrugsnews.com and @DDNmagabine Bill Nelles on harm reduction, then and now Secondary traumatic stress in substance misuse workers 11 MMMAY 20â¢30YY isp0uMpAblh BRITISH BETTING FIRMS will voluntarily remove their TV and radio advertising during […]
DDN 050404
[…] uptake contradicts Home Office panic | Homeless battle bus sets off on tour |Scots clubbers get smar t advice |Lancaster prison officers plan ‘jailbreak’ |Views needed on harm reduction 4 Features Cover story Climb every mountain Noelle O’Brien looks at how Positive Futures workers address difficult issues of social exclusion, drugs and crime, through the […]
It’s where you’re at…
Harm reduction should be about ‘meeting people where they’re at’, according to the recent HIT Hot topics conference. Jamie Bridge reports. Last month HIT hosted their second Hot topics conference in Liverpool, sponsored by Martindale Pharma. This national harm reduction event attracted 140 delegates from across the country and beyond, with a […]
PDF Version
[…] from sub stance misuse across Lancashire,’ said the Mayor of Pendle, cllr Nadeem Ahmed (above). ALARMING STATISTICS More than one in four women in European and Central Asian prisons are there for drugs offences, according to a report from Harm Reduction International (HRI). The figure can be as high as 70 per cent in some countries, says Cause for alarm: the incarceration of women for drug offences in burope and Central Asia, and the need for legislative and sentencing reform . Over […]
Engaging with the experts
Michael Gilbert talks to DDN about StreetRx.com, a new website that encourages the exchange of information between drug users while also promoting harm reduction Meeting people who use drugs ‘where they’re at’ is a core principle in the practice of harm reduction. Programmes are carefully designed to be culturally competent, respectful of dignity, and non-judgmental […]
Local heroes
[…] 4). For the London Borough of Hackney, an area with a diverse population and pockets of severe need, these issues mean that not only is investment in harm reduction services vital – so is innovation in how they work. This led to the creation of the Hackney Harm Reduction Hub last year. The service was […]
Experts by experience
Participants in the Staying Safe hepatitis C prevention project gave invaluable insight into life-saving protective practices. The findings could be used to make harm reduction messages much more relevant, say Magdalena Harris and Tim Rhodes The Staying Safe study is a hepatitis C prevention project with a difference. Instead of focusing on risk practices and transmission events, such […]
[…] treatment. REGULARS 4 NEWS ROUND-UP : Drink related hospital admissions up by two thirds ⢠Firms using drug tests for âcheap redundanciesâ ⢠NTA refutes attack on harm reduction ⢠Government turns to âlegal highsâ ⢠UNODC praises Iranian drug tactics ⢠News in brief 8 LETTERS AND COMMENT : AA defence; comments on Antabuse; […]
Harm reduction worldwide has ‘stalled’, warns HRI
The number of countries providing harm reduction initiatives has stalled in the last two years, according to Harm Reduction International’s (HRI) Global state of harm reduction 2018 report. Despite injecting drug use being present in almost 180 countries, the number providing needle and syringe programmes (NSP) has fallen from 90 in 2016 to 86. Policy […]
[…] this pair have gone for the practical option of information provision – and a very impressive archive it is too. This surely comes close to an online harm reduction manual.Anyone with access to a computer can see exactly what a substance is made of, what it does, what it looks like, what to expect as […]
Disruptive force
The genie’s out of the bottle – embracing tobacco harm reduction could end smoking within a generation, says Knowledge Action Change. DDN reports. Smoking causes at least 8m deaths every year – more than from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined. Despite this global public health crisis, the number of smokers worldwide has remained static at […]