Information, advice, and useful resources on coronavirus for treatment services, service users, and people who use drugs.
Please send us any information you or your organisation might have produced, or any links to services and online resources that will help services and the people who use them stay safe at this difficult time.
Also please share any other updates or cheerful news you have, I think we could all use it!
Please scroll down for specific information on OST.
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Quick Links to
Government information
Gov.UK: The latest advice from PHE and other government agencies on COVID19 as well as specific information for healthcare professionals, residential treatment settings, rough sleepers and criminal justice settings. Link.
NHS England: The latest general information on COVID19. Link.
From DDN Magazine
People working in drug and alcohol treatment are among those now eligible for coronavirus testing if they develop symptoms, the government has announced. Link.
Coronavirus guidance issued for providers and commissioners. Link.
SIG Joins the Fight Against Coronavirus. In partnership with Guys and St Thomas’s Hospital, the Social Interest Group through SIG Equinox joins the direct fight to help people recover from COVID-19. Link.
Pharmacists are to be allowed to dispense methadone, buprenorphine and other medicines containing controlled substances such as opioids or barbiturates without a prescription during the COVID-19 pandemic. Link.
Government announces £3.2m emergency funds for rough sleepers. Read the story Link.
Categorise people dependent on drugs as high-risk population, government urged. Link.
Government’s coronavirus advice on protecting rough sleepers ‘inadequate’, says Crisis. Read the story Link.
Drug and alcohol treatment staff are included in the government definition of key workers whose children can still attend school during the coronavirus outbreak. Read the story and download a template letter for schools Link.
Uncharted Territory: The coronavirus outbreak is transforming almost every aspect of our society at dizzying speed. DDN looks at the impact so far on treatment services and their vulnerable client groups. Link
A safe space: The threat of COVID-19 has prompted Phoenix Futures to make their rehabs even more of a sanctuary, as Liam Ward explains. Link.
Believe in better: While having to close Build on Belief because of coronavirus was like losing a limb, says Tim Sampey, they’ll soon be back to doing what they do best. Link
New horizons? Will the coronavirus pandemic give us an opportunity to confront society’s problems, adopt radical policies, and emerge with steadfast solutions, asks Martin Blakebrough. Link.
Tips for the home teacher: With many more weeks of home schooling to go, Becky Cranham’s tips might save your sanity…Link.
Advice on the new legal guidelines around children in care during the coronavirus pandemic. Link.
A comprehensive advice sheet for people who use drugs during the coronavirus outbreak has been prepared by EuroNPUD, INPUD and Respect Drug User Rights. Link.
Information on OST and prescription services
NHS SMPA: Innovative Programme Ensures Service Users Receive OST Prescriptions During COVID-19 Pandemic. Learn more and also how to set up a service in your area. Link.
change grow live: Looking after people on Medication Assisted Treatment during the Coronavirus pandemic. Mark Moody, CEO Change Grow Live explains the decisions taken in relation to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). Link.
Service Updates
Build on Belief: An update on service closure and contact details for online and phone support. Link.
CAIS: Covid-19 service update. Link.
Calico (Delphi/Acorn): Statement from Chief Executive and service updates on COVID-19. Link.
Change Grow Live: Information for staff and users of Change Grow Live services. Link. Users of the Spectrum service in Herts can find information on local services and download an update here.
Changing Lives: Response from CEO Stephen Bell. Link.
Collective Voice: An updating page with resources and information for treatment providers and services. Link.
Cranstoun: Service access updates. Link.
EDP: How we are working to support all our service users. Link.
Forward Trust: Looking after our staff and service users during the coronavirus pandemic. Link.
Humankind: Information for staff and users of Humankind’s services. Link.
Homeless Link: Service Update. Link.
Kaleidoscope: Service updates and online support. Link.
NHSSMPA: Coronavirus: A Time to Bring Down Organisational Barriers, a statement from the chair. Link.
Phoenix Futures: A guide for individuals on safety when visiting services. Link.
Red Rose Recovery: Service updates and contacts. Link.
Turning Point: Service updates. Link.
We are with you: Information for staff and users of We are with you services. Link.
WDP: Message to service users about Covid19. Link.
Other Resources and Information
Alcohol Change UK: Information and advice on alcohol during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak – including tips for managing your drinking, links to support you can access even while self-isolating, and guidance for professionals. Link.
Alcohol Health Alliance UK: Online resources for alcohol addiction recovery during the coronavirus. Link.
Community Channels Scotland: support and ideas for community responses to COVID-19. Link.
CQC: Routine inspections suspended in response to coronavirus outbreak. Link.
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition: Insight and guidance on best practices for people who use drugs and healthcare providers. Link.
Findings: How can needle exchange services and opioid substitution therapy be safeguarded in the midst of a novel viral outbreak? Link.
EMCDDA: The implications of COVID-19 for people who use drugs (PWUD) and drug service providers. Link.
EuroNPUD/INPUD: Practical information to help manage our health and drug use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Link.
Release: Downloadable ‘essential journey cards’ to use if people need to leave the house to pick up medication or harm reduction equipment, and other resources. Also surveying the impact of the criss on the drugs market. Link.
Red Rose Recovery: View and take part in discussions in the LUF Lounge. Link.
Royal College of Psychiatrists: Information for psychiatrists and other professionals working in mental health settings (COVID-19) Link.
SDF: Guidance on contingency planning for people who use drugs and COVID-19. Link.
SOM: Returning to the workplace after the COVID-19 lockdown – toolkits. Link.
Talking Drugs: Advice for people who use drugs. Link.
Transform Drug Policy Foundation: Harm reduction advice and basic precautions to reduce these risks of COVID-19 infection for drug users. Link.
UNODC: HIV prevention, treatment, care and support for people who use drugs, and people in prison. Link.
Online Support
Alcoholics Anonymous UK: Links to online meetings. Link.
Breaking Free are making their online services free for substance misuse organisations to help manage self isolation and social distancing during COVID-19. Link.
Broadway Lodge: Catch up with their new podcast. Link.
Cocaine Anonymous: Online meetings. Link.
DrinkCoach: Online support and advice for people worried about their drinking. Link.
Eileen Wellings: Hypnotherapist with over 20 years experience offering online support for anxiety, stress, cravings and more. Link.
Global Drug Survey: Corona Conversations is a series of video interviews with experts around the world on how the current COVID19 pandemic is having an effect on people who use drugs. Link.
Homeless Link: Several free webinars and free online training Link.
Help Me Stop: Digital Dayhab offering people free access to trained staff to call, e-mail, or web chat about their problems either for themselves or a loved one. Link.
Narcotics Anonymous: Links to local online meetings. Link.
Royal College of Psychiatrists: Free webinars for members offering a solution-focused approach to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Link.
SDS Limited: Are offering a range of free videos, worksheets, and other materials as well as free 7pm Thursday Zoom sessions with their trainers. Link.
Smart Recovery: Response to the covid-19 crisis and links to online meetings.Link.
Please email any information or resources that you think would be useful to
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Some messages from our partners
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Wear a mask properly. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.