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Signposting the way to elimination by 2025

SIGNPOSTING THE WAY TO ELIMINATION BY 2025 JULY 2018 CONTENTS 4 Introduction 6 The Hepatitis C Coalition 7 Background 8 Sharing knowledge and information 10 Awareness 12 Testing, Treatment and Engagement 14 Prisons and the Justice System 16 Better data and evidence-based informatics 18 Best Practice: Greater Manchester Case study 20 References 3 2 […]

DDN Sept_2022

[…] its partner brganisatibns. ‘People with lived experience  are vital to success’ IN THIS ISSUE ON bHE COVER  – bake Pride 18 Outreach  in North  London INSIDE 4 NEWS Drug policy ‘not working’;  gambling company’s recorb fine 12 KEYTOSUCCESS Our careers series  opens with the recovery/keyworker 14 EVERY LITTLE HELPS Small changes  help facilitate trauma-informeb care 16 HEPATITIS C:Clear path to elimination 20 LIFE INRECOVERY Join the Recovery  Games!; Freb’s journey in verse 22 LANDMARK ARTCreativity can help  sustain recovery 25 WENEED TOTALK ABOUT... Harm rebuction Recovery through  arts, sports and the  environment 8 10 blaire Brown, editor Keep in touch at www.drinkanddrugsnews.com […]

Five steps to lower your risk of hepatitis and protect your health

Turning Point’s Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service (DAWS) highlights the five key steps you can take to protect yourself and reduce your risk of hepatitis B and C. Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash This Friday 28th July is World Hepatitis Day. Turning Point, in line with the World Health Organisation have a target […]


[…] misuseits role in substance misuse CHOOSING LIFECHOOSING LIFE Implementing a smoking Implementing a smoking ban in residential detoxban in residential detox The only effective way to tackle hepatitis C is together FEATURES 6 HEP C: FIGHTING BACK– COVER STORY Greater Manchester has made hepatitis C a health priority by harnessing local services to work […]


[…] • News in brief 6 LETTERS AND COMMENT : Food for thought.... and supplemental food for thought; back to school; Comment: Time to join forces against viral hepatitis, says the World Hepatitis Alliance. 7 PARTNERS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE : In the fourth of our series, substance misuse practitioner at the Equinox drug programme, Tyrone […]

Promotional Feature: Hepatitis C and Me

Kevin Stow, an ex-drug user and previous hepatitis C sufferer shares his experiences and talks about how being cleared of hepatitis C helped give him the momentum to overcome his drug addiction. Kevin is an ambassador for the recently launched I’m Worth… campaign, which aims to address the stigma that many people with hepatitis C […]

Promotional feature: Stigma: Hepatitis C and drug misuse

Supporting people infected with hepatitis C presents distinct challenges. An understanding of existing barriers to hepatitis C care is important to help empower people with the virus to access help. Hepatitis C affects thousands of people in the UK. Despite the availability of effective treatment options for hepatitis C, the rate of treatment for the […]

Doubling Down

With World Hepatitis Day on 28 July, now is the time to redouble our efforts towards hepatitis C elimination, says Rachel Halford. Rachel Halford is chief executive officer at the Hepatitis C Trust World Hepatitis Day this year will be unlike any other we have celebrated before. Hepatitis C continues to have a huge […]

Hepatitis C : new hope, old problems

PROMOTIONAL FEATURE  People with hepatitis C in the UK have a greater chance of being cured now than at any other point in the history of the disease. Recent advances in medicines mean that for many people they work better than before, treatment times are shorter and the drugs have fewer side effects and […]

Survey demonstrates need for improvement of hepatitis C services

An estimated 160,000 people are living with hepatitis C in England. Yet, in 2015, fewer than 12,000 people were diagnosed and fewer than 10,000 people were treated (1). Infected individuals can unknowingly transmit the infection, which makes preventing new infections – and eliminating the virus as a public health threat – a significant challenge. […]

On the right track

NHS England recently announced that the country is on track to eliminate hepatitis C by 2025, five years ahead of the World Health Organization 2030 target. It also said that the country’s ‘pioneering’ elimination programme has helped find and cure more than 70,000 people of this potentially fatal virus.  This means that England could […]

World Hepatitis Day 2021

Hepatitis C Lead at Turning Point Dr Becky John discusses the work Turning Point is doing to help the fight in eradicating hepatitis by 2030. This year marks ten years on from the first World Hepatitis Day and the announcement by the World Health Organisation to eradicate hepatitis by 2030. It is also […]


[…] Scots at ‘twice the risk’ of alcohol-related death •FDAP launches workforce development programme 4 Features Cover story Finding faces in the crowdMany of the 400,000 people with hepatitis C in the UK do not know they have the disease – so how can we encourage testing and get them into treatment? The NTA has […]


[…] users International drug users bang the drumbang the drum 2 June 2008 www.drinkanddrugs.net FEATURES 6 HARM REDUCTION: A GLOBAL SNAPSHOT– COVER STORY Escalating rates of HIV and hepatitis C in the injecting community underline the urgent need for effective harm reduction. 10 GETTING TO THE POINT Barcelona has supervised injecting rooms; Vancouver is in […]

Recovering from hepatitis C: Steps to empowerment through peer support

There are more than 200,000 people in the UK living with hepatitis C, but only half of these are diagnosed and as few as 3 per cent are receiving treatment.1 If left untreated, hepatitis C can cause serious or potentially life threatening complications like liver cancer.2 The majority of people living with hepatitis C […]


[…] with WIRED Your fortnightly magazine |jobs|news|views|research 31 October 2005 TOO MUCH TOO YOUNG Alcohol and pregnancy: do not mix DIVERSITY CHALLENGE The new-look Federation agenda for change HEPATITIS C AND ME An ex-user’s story and questions www.drinkanddrugs.net News Round-up Strategy on underage drinking |Ex-prisoners need better suppor t |Addicted homeless need to get active […]

On a mission to cure hep C

Curing hepatitis C has become a reality and makes sense for the public purse as well as public health. So let’s get on with it, says Dee Cunniffe. If you heard there was a disease that affected an estimated 216,000 people in the UK, including 160,000 people in England, and was contributing to an […]

Becoming free of hepatitis C

To mark World Hepatitis Day, the I’m Worth… campaign is launching a survey – and needs your views. In England, around 160,000 people are infected with hepatitis C, the majority of whom are from marginalised and under-served groups in society, such as people who inject drugs (PWID). (1) If left untreated, hepatitis C can […]

Local drug and alcohol charity micro-eliminates hepatitis C ahead of NHS target

Drug and alcohol charity WithYou, partnered with Gilead Sciences, has achieved micro-elimination of hepatitis C across its North Somerset services – a huge step towards NHS England’s target to eliminate the virus by 2025. Hepatitis C is a bloodborne virus which can cause liver cirrhosis and cancer. Early testing is vital, as quick detection […]

Coordinated effort needed to eliminate hepatitis C

An ‘urgent, coordinated’ effort is needed to increase testing and treatment for hepatitis C in order to ensure the elimination of the disease in time for NHS England’s 2025 target, says a new report from the Hepatitis C Coalition. All parts of the ‘hepatitis C pathway’ need to work together to support the NHS […]

World Hepatitis Day 2019 DDN Round Up

World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is held each year on 28 July to raise awareness of viral hepatitis read our round up of what is happening and how you can get involved.


[…] • News in brief 8 LETTERS AND COMMENT Methadone doses in prison; creative writing survey. Obituary: remembering Alex Georgakis. 9 POST-ITS FROM PRACTICE Hidden menace: Don’t forget hepatitis B, says Dr Chris Ford. 16 JOBS, COURSES, CONFERENCES, TENDERS Editorial – Claire Brown Editor:Claire Brown t: 020 7463 2164 e: claire@cjwellings.com Reporter:David Gilliver e: david@cjwellings.com […]

Cranstoun micro-eliminates Hepatitis C across Sandwell

Sandwell’s drug and alcohol provider has announced that it has achieved the remarkable milestone of micro-elimination in its efforts to combat hepatitis C. Led by Cranstoun, the drug and alcohol service provider in the borough, this achievement highlights the commitment and dedication to improving the health and wellbeing of people affected by substance use […]

Staying on track

What does COVID-19 mean for hepatitis C elimination plans in London? Dee Cunniffe gives an update. Dee Cunniffe is LJWG project lead Two months ago, on 2 March, senior leaders from across the NHS, addictions sector and public health in London came together at City Hall to kick start work on a new routemap […]

DDN April2021

[…] Chiedozie Arum. ‘Exbanding access to brevention and treatment services and imbroving housing brovision for this bobulation should be briorittised.’ Homelessness, unstable housing anb risk of HIV anb hepatitis C virus acquisition among pReople who inject brugs at www.thelancet.com/ journals/lanpub/homeR APRIL 2021 • DRINK AND DRUGS NEWS • 5 WWW.DRINKANDDRUGSNEWS.COM TIME TO TALK Talking Together […]

Change Grow Live’s ground-breaking approach to tackling hepatitis C has achieved a major milestone

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash Change Grow Live’s ground-breaking new approach to tackling hepatitis C in North Yorkshire and Humber has reached a major milestone, with the first patients beginning their treatment journey. This is the first time that anyone in England has received treatment for hepatitis C directly as a result of substance […]

Hep C: An end in sight?

Despite its prevalence, hepatitis C has long been under-prioritised by health services. But could new drugs and a new commitment from the NHS mean we may finally see this killer condition eradicated? Last month Public Health England (PHE) published the updated version of its ‘liver disease atlas’, which unsurprisingly made for grim reading. Not […]

Countdown to hep C eradication

NHS England’s target date to eliminate hepatitis C is now just six years away. DDN hears what progress has been made, and what’s left to achieve, at the LJWG on Substance Use and Hepatitis C annual conference. Read the full article in DDN Magazine ‘The strategy from NHS England has always been to eradicate […]

Experts by experience – full referenced version

The Staying Safe study is a hepatitis C prevention project with a difference. Instead of focusing on risk practices and transmission events, such as the sharing of needles and syringes, we were interested in how protective practices arose and were maintained over time. Here, people who had been injecting for the long term and […]

Experts by experience

Participants in the Staying Safe hepatitis C prevention project gave invaluable insight into life-saving protective practices. The findings could be used to make harm reduction messages much more relevant, say Magdalena Harris and Tim Rhodes The Staying Safe study is a hepatitis C prevention project with a difference. Instead of focusing on risk practices and transmission events, […]

PDF Version

[…] STILL THE BEST FOR NEWS, VIEWS AND JOBS NEWS FOCUS What eSect will payment by results have on the probation service? p6 POSITIVE ACTION Raising awareness of hepatitis C in Swindon and beyond p12 PROFILE Eric Appleby on how minimum pricing can help to focus alcohol campaigning p16 w.drdrinkaung.ks MAKING SENSE OF THE NEW […]


[…] UNDER DARKER SKIES As the financial climate changes for services, the work must still go on. Ian O’Sullivan describes how Mainliners streamlined ambitious plans for an international hepatitis C conference to make sure the event can still happen. REGULARS 4 NEWS ROUND-UP : ‘Dramatic’ fall in young heroin users • Tories set out plans […]

Hepatitis C: The Time to Act is Now

Hepatitis C (hep C) is spread through exposure to infected blood and can cause serious damage to the liver without someone knowing.1 If left untreated hep C may cause scarring to the liver, cancer and even death.1 In England, there are currently 74,600 people living with chronic hep c, with almost 75% of […]

Hepatitis C Peer Education

As we approach Hepatitis Awareness Day, Ignatious Harling shares his progress as a hep C peer educator.


[…] winner announced •Locals have say on binge-drinkers •UK supports Columbian campaign against cocaine • Crack cocaine blamed for rise in HIV • Many ignorant of effects of hepatitis B • Media watch 4 Features Cover story Tell it like it is!What are the big issues for the drug and alcohol field? What would you […]

Local authorities unready for hep C responsibility

Local authorities are ‘not ready to take responsibility’ for hepatitis C, according to an audit of English commission­ers and local councils by the Hepatitis C Trust.  Despite local authorities assuming responsibility for public health, just a quarter are aware of how many people in their area are living with – or at risk of […]

Local authorities unprepared for hep C responsibility

Local authorities are ‘not ready to take responsibility’ for hepatitis C, according to an audit of English commissioners and local councils by The Hepatitis C Trust. Despite local authorities assuming responsibility for public health from next month, just a quarter are aware of how many people in their area are living with – or […]

Why isn’t more being done to tackle hep C?

A new report is calling for hepatitis C to be prioritised as a major health inequalities issue by Public Health England, the NHS and local authorities.  Although hepatitis C is a curable virus, just three per cent of those infected are treated each year in England, according to a new report from the Hepatitis […]


[…] CRACKS BEGIN TO SHOW How do we support the ever-increasing number of crack users? From FDAP in association with WIRED Your fortnightly magazine |jobs|news|views|research 5 September 2005 HEPATITIS C Abstinence makes the liver grow stronger COUNSELLORS High standards are not optional QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Addict’s mother told: be cruel to be kind www.drinkanddrugs.net …simple […]

Via Harrow achieves micro-elimination of Hepatitis C

VIA Harrow celebrate successfully reaching the impressive milestone of Hepatitis C micro-elimination in their service. Anna Whitton, CEO at Via said: ‘This is a really positive and important outcome, which has made a tangible difference to many people.’ NHS England has a target to eliminate the virus by 2025 and Via services are aiming […]

Boost for BBV testing among London’s homeless population

[…] rough were tested for blood-borne viruses between May and August this year, according to a new report from the London Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C (LJWG). Of those who were tested for hepatitis C, more than one in ten were found to have antibodies for the virus, with 7 per […]


[…] way from cricri minal minal justice sysjustice sys tem to treatmenttem to treatment TAKE THE INITIATIVETAKE THE INITIATIVE Checking for acChecking for ac tivity on tivity on hepatitis Chepatitis C FEATURES 6 REACHING NEW HEIGHTS– COVER STORY Dave Stork needed to find a way of taking his service user group to a higher level […]

Hep C Positive

Positive Action As NHS reforms put the future of hepatitis C services in the UK in question, Phil Spalding tells Kayleigh Hutchins how the Hep C Positive project has raised awareness about the virus in Swindon. With almost half of NHS commissioners having no measures in place to increase hepatitis C treatment in the […]

Advice on the hepatitis B vaccine shortage

Some of you will be aware that there is currently a shortage of hepatitis B vaccine, likely to continue until early next year. In response to this, PHE have issued temporary recommendations on prioritising risk groups and preserving stock as well as advice for patients who may have to wait for a vaccine dose […]


USER GROUPS Fighting for change, fighting for survival HOUSING PROVISION Partnership needs inclusion argues Shelter POST-ITS FROM PRACTICE Hepatitis C – a call for fairer treatment USER GROUPS Fighting for change, fighting for survival HOUSING PROVISION Partnership needs inclusion argues Shelter POST-ITS FROM PRACTICE Hepatitis C – a call for fairer treatment CARE OR […]

Fighting for a C change

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to finally eliminate hepatitis C is within our grasp, says Professor Ashley Brown. Read the full article in October DDN Magazine Prof Ashley Brown is vice chair of the Hepatitis C Coalition and hepatitis C lead for North West London When I first graduated in medicine, hepatitis C didn’t even have […]

WithYou declares hep c micro-elimination at North Lincolnshire service

WithYou has achieved micro-elimination of hepatitis C at its North Lincolnshire service, taking a step towards NHS England’s target to eliminate the virus by 2025. Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash The service has achieved micro-elimination by meeting a set of criteria, including: offering 100% of clients in structured treatment a hepatitis C test; testing […]

Tackling hepatitis C – three Change Grow Live services reach a major milestone

Change Grow Live explains how three of its services have recently achieved micro-elimination of hepatitis C: West Kent, Reading, and Bromley. When we say a service has micro eliminated hepatitis C, that means it has reached these targets: 100% of people using the service have been offered a hepatitis C test. 90% of these […]


USER GROUPS Fighting for change, fighting for survival HOUSING PROVISION Partnership needs inclusion argues Shelter POST-ITS FROM PRACTICE Hepatitis C – a call for fairer treatment USER GROUPS Fighting for change, fighting for survival HOUSING PROVISION Partnership needs inclusion argues Shelter POST-ITS FROM PRACTICE Hepatitis C – a call for fairer treatment CARE OR […]
CGL hepatitis C

A ground-breaking approach to hepatitis C in North Yorkshire and Humber

Photo by Shane on Unsplash As part of the NHS’s goal to eliminate  hepatitis C as a major health concern in England, Change Grow Live is leading a ground-breaking new approach to treatment in North Yorkshire and Humber.  For the first time, we are bringing together drug treatment providers across the region to share their expertise and […]

Hepatitis C ‘grossly under-prioritised’, warns charity

Just 3 per cent of people infected with hepatitis C are treated each year, despite it being curable, says a new report from the Hepatitis C Trust.  The virus is ‘grossly under-prioritised’ by health services, warns The uncomfortable truth: hepatitis C in England. Half of the estimated 160,000 people living with hepatitis C remain […]

Stuck in the system

New treatment for hepatitis C has opened up massive opportunity for all-round health gains that we are just not taking, hears DDN. We need to look at syndemics, said Charles Gore – when a set of linked health problems such as hepatitis C, drug and alcohol issues, mental health and homelessness interact to increase […]

Treatment complete?

Why are we failing so many people with hepatitis C, even those already in drug treatment, asks Dr Steve Brinksman There is still a lot of – sometimes heated – debate about whether drug services should be recovery or harm-reduction based. Yet I rarely hear the same passion when we talk about treating viral […]

Hepatitis C ‘grossly under-prioritised’, warns charity

Just 3 per cent of people infected with hepatitis C are treated each year, despite it being curable, says a new report from the Hepatitis C Trust. The virus is ‘grossly under-prioritised’ by health services, warns The uncomfortable truth: hepatitis C in England. Half of the estimated 160,000 people living with hepatitis C remain […]


[…] residential care represents more than just value for money. DDN reports. 10 THE DIY ETHIC Although injecting drug use is the main route of transmission for the hepatitis C virus, there are few hep C support groups for drug users. David Gilliver hears from a service user who set up her own. 12 PROOF […]


[…] many websites, marketed as a ‘safe’ alternative to ecstasy. The Guardian, 18 June Post-its from Practice One step forward… but one stride needed Has NICE guidance improved hepatitis C treatment in your area? If not, why not? asks Dr Chris Ford Letters | Post-its from practice 2 July 2007 | drinkanddrugsnews| 9 www.drinkanddrugs.net Fran […]

Richmond Integrated Recovery Service is leading the way in the diagnosis and treatment of...

CGL Richmond Integrated Recovery Service is leading the way for drug services across the country in the diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C.

It’s time to get tested, urges PHE

Public Health England (PHE) and NHS England have launched a nationwide exercise to identify and treat people who have previously been diagnosed with hepatitis C. While almost 25,000 people in England have accessed new and ‘potentially curative’ treatments over the last three years, ‘tens of thousands’ of people who were diagnosed in the past […]

Hepatitis can’t wait

An online event by NHS England marked the start of the 10th World Hepatitis Day, with the slogan ‘Hepatitis can’t wait’. The event reaffirmed the commitment to eliminating hepatitis C in England ahead of the world goal of 2030. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic we were still on track to do this, […]

Countdown to Elimination

[…] up the momentum, heard delegates at LJWG’s Three years to go to elimination conference. ‘We now have three years to achieve our shared goal of elimination of hepatitis C as a public health issue in London,’ London Joint Working Group (LJWG) co-chair Dr Suman Verma told LJWG’s 2022 conference. Despite the challenges of COVID, […]