Our incredible volunteers give up their time to make a difference to the lives of our service users.
Read some of their stories and find out why they volunteer at WDP.
WDP Peer Mentor
Without WDP I would undoubtedly still be in active addiction. WDP has given me the tools to control my addictions rather than let my addictions control me. I’ve achieved this by engaging with courses such as Giving Something Back and peer mentoring. I am now a NOVA course facilitator, basically repeating what I have been taught to others. Nobody recovers on their own, it’s about unity. I get so much satisfaction from being a part of somebody else’s recovery and to me that is immeasurable. Service users have thanked me for my help and that gives me nothing but inspiration to keep doing what I’m doing.
WDP and IRU Volunteer
‘Volunteering at WDP has been a truly great experience, and I’m amazed at how much I’ve been able to learn. I’ve been co-facilitating one of the groups at a local service and gotten to work alongside people with decades of experience in this field. As someone who’s always had a keen interest in psychology it’s given me the opportunity to learn and apply a lot of what was only an academic understanding up until this point. I’ve been struck by how friendly and helpful the staff here at WDP are, and the compassionate approach they take towards clients has definitely given me something to aspire to.’
If you are interested in volunteering at WDP and would like to find out more, visit our Volunteeringpage.
DDN magazine is a free publication self-funded through advertising.
We are proud to work in partnership with many of the leading charities and treatment providers in the sector.
This content was created by WDP