SIG Penrose Synergy Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Luton based charity, SIG Penrose Synergy, hosted the Mayor of Luton and guests last Friday 8th July, for a 10th anniversary celebration at the Roots to Recovery community garden on Bedford Road.

The event served a dual purpose of celebrating ten years of service to the community and recognising the staff working for Synergy, some from its inception in 2012. 

The event, held in the afternoon, welcomed over 100 guests, including the Mayor of Luton, Sameera Saleem, Luton South MP and Shadow Minister for Rough Sleeping, Sarah Owen, Luton North MP, Rachel Hopkins and Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioners Head of Commissioning, Simon Powell – all strong supporters of Penrose’s work across Luton and Bedfordshire. 

Also present were, partner organisations, people who have used Penrose services – past and present, Penrose staff, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Management Team of the Social Interest Group (SIG).

Certificates of thanks were presented to Synergy staff by the mayor and special awards to the long-standing team members of Penrose Synergy by SIG CEO Gill Arukpe.

Inspirational speakers shared their journeys on how Penrose impacted them positively. Lunch, a raffle, free haircuts and braiding, and the anniversary cake cutting followed.

SIG Penrose secured Synergy; a Housing Related Floating Support contract with Luton Borough Council in June 2012. Since then, they have successfully established another nine projects and new initiatives offering a range of accommodation and community-based support interventions across Lurton and Bedford.

Emmeline Irvine, SIG Head of Services & Specialist Homelessness and Complex Needs Lead said: ‘This event is the culmination of the hard work that Penrose staff have put in to help to create such a memorable day. My thanks to them and to the Roots to Recovery staff and members for the use of their garden.’

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We are proud to work in partnership with many of the leading charities and treatment providers in the sector.

This content was created by The Social Interest Group

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