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Four in ten smokers believe vaping is as harmful

Just under 40 per cent of smokers in the UK think that vaping is ‘as or more risky’ compared to smoking, according to a YouGov survey of almost 12,300 adults commissioned by ASH. ASH has published a ‘myth buster’ to challenge ‘common misrepresentations of the evidence’ on vaping. Last year, just 27 per cent […]

Government consults on wide-ranging vape restrictions 

The government has launched a public consultation on youth vaping in what it calls its ‘next steps to create a smokefree generation’. The move follows the recent announcement of its intention to raise the legal smoking age by a year each year, until it applies to the entire population. ‘Vapes are too often targeted […]

Government to ban disposable vapes

[…] children’s health’, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has announced.  Disposable vapes are a ‘key driver’ in the rise in the number of young people vaping, DHSC states, with the proportion of under-17s using vapes increasing almost ninefold over the last two years. There will also be new restrictions on flavours specifically […]

Government to close youth vaping ‘loophole’ 

[…] banning the sale of ‘nicotine-free’ vapes to people under 18.  The government intends make it easier for trading standards officers to issue on-the-spot fines to retailers selling vaping products to children illegally. Selling vapes to under-18s is already illegal. However, the government also intends make it easier for trading standards officers to issue on-the-spot […]


[…] led by smokers seeking, and finding, something safer, the UK’s shift from cigarettes to safer nicotine products, mainly vapes, accelerated further following government and NHS endorsement of vaping for smoking cessation. Youth uptake is a concern – however, the potential to help millions of adults quit is vast, and smoking rates have fallen to […]

Igniting the debate

[…] we heard about narratives changing – or positions becoming more entrenched. In some countries there were very active communities of users, linked by social media; in others, vaping was still new to politicians accompanied by ‘a lag in public health awareness and understanding’. Snus – a smokeless tobacco pouch, placed under the top lip […]

Government to introduce vaping tax

Jeremy Hunt announced the tax in his spring budget A new excise duty on vaping products will be introduced from 2026, chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced in his spring budget. The move is to discourage non-smokers from taking up vaping, he said, with a 12-week consultation on the duty’s design launched today. The rates […]

Government plans ‘smoke-free generation’ 

[…] away from sweets and other products that appeal to them, as well as restricting the sale of disposable vapes which are ‘clearly linked to the rise in vaping in children’.  ‘Vaping is rightly used by adults as a tool to quit smoking, but the health advice is clear – if you don’t smoke, don’t […]

One in six vapes confiscated in schools contained spice

One in six vapes confiscated in schools in England contained the synthetic cannabinoid spice, according to research by the University of Bath. Almost 600 vapes confiscated in 38 schools across the country were tested in partnership with the police and school authorities, with just under 17 per cent found to contain spice. One per cent […]

How is Turning Point supporting people to Swap to Stop?

[…] of smoking of 5% or lower. On 11 April 2023, the government announced a range of actions to speed up progress towards smokefree 2023, including offering free vaping starter packs to one million smokers by March 2025. Offering the dependent starting pack is dependent on the person wanting support with smoking agreeing to access […]

Disruptive force

[…] breakthrough in tobacco harm reduction was consumer driven and not the result of public health policy dealt from on high. Individual innovators began experimenting for a safer vaping product, motivated by their desire to quit smoking. An American man came close, but China gave their candidate the backing and a new industry was born. […]

MPs vote in favour of smoking ban

[…] generations from the harms of smoking, saving thousands of lives and billions for the NHS.’ The bill would also introduce restrictions on the packaging and flavouring of vaping products to make them less attractive to children. ‘While vaping can play a useful role in helping adult smokers to quit, non-smokers and children should never […]


[…] UK there is essentially no national governance. Proposals for EU-wide regulation is a faraway promise whereby if any prohibition does emerge it will be after the ‘ vaping’ market has been saturated and fully established and all the structures, if required to run an illicit market, have bedded in. E-cigarette prototypes were created by […]

Loop to resume drug testing for festival season

[…] support services can take swift action to contain the problem should any be identified.’ More licences are expected to be issued in the coming weeks, it added. Vaping in young people has tripled since disposable e-cigs entered the market Meanwhile, new research from UCL shows that the proportion of 18- to 24-year-olds who vape […]

The easiest win

[…] the Society for the Study of Addiction, Leaving no smoker behind, found that at least two thirds of rough sleepers who smoked would be willing to try vaping devices if they were free, and would access smoking cessation support if their homelessness services provided it. But it was COVID-19 that proved overwhelmingly that the […]

Reintroduce tobacco and vapes bill, government urged

An open letter calling on the Labour government to reintroduce the tobacco and vapes bill in the next parliamentary session has been published by the BMJ. Plans for a smoke-free UK should be ‘front and centre’ of the new government’s domestic policy agenda, says the document, which has been signed by more than 1,200 doctors, […]

Government bans 14 nitazenes

[…] crisis in the UK (Partner Updates, September 2023): Release, alongside EuroNPUD and other drug treatment service colleagues in the UK, have produced harm reduction advice on nitazenes. Search the DDN archive for more on vaping, nitazenes, fentanyl and synthetic opioids. The government has also introduced its tobacco and vapes bill crime and policing minister Chris Philp

Slow on the draw

[…] devices were a poor substitute for smoking. Some of the smokers said that they did not like the hard plastic feel of e-cigarettes or the feeling that vaping was ‘cold’ in a way in which smoking was ‘warm’. Some of the smokers were clearly confused by the vast array of e-cigarette technology and put […]

Majority of public behind ‘smokefree generation’ plans, says government

[…] that’s why we need to push ahead at pace with our plans to protect today’s children, and create the first smokefree generation while cracking down on youth vaping,’ said public health minister Andrea Leadsom. ‘We are taking the long-term health decisions needed to safeguard the next generation from the harms of smoking and risk […]

Tobacco and vapes bill included in King’s Speech

The reintroduction of the tobacco and vapes bill has been announced in the King’s Speech. The bill – which aims to progressively increase the age at which people can legally buy tobacco products and impose limits on the sale and marketing of vapes – will now be a priority for the forthcoming session of parliament. The bill […]

Recommend vaping to help people quit smoking, says NICE

[…] on Nicotine in Warsaw to hear about the challenges of mainstreaming tobacco harm reduction. (News, August 2023): 40 per cent of smokers in the UK think that  vaping is ‘as or more risky’ compared to smoking up from 27% last year. (Features, February 2023): The genie’s out of the bottle – embracing tobacco harm reduction could […]

Via and Brio Leisure launch new Swap to Stop scheme in Cheshire West and...

[…] to tackle smoking among those in drug and alcohol treatment across the county, by empowering people to quit smoking and lead healthier lives through the national government vaping scheme, Swap to Stop. In 2022, there were approximately 25,700 people in Cheshire West and Chester who were smokers, around 9% of the local population. When […]

Sell e-cigarettes in hospitals, says PHE report

Vaping poses ‘only a small fraction’ of the risks of smoking, and NHS trusts should ensure that e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapies are available for sale in hospital shops, says a new PHE report. Switching completely from cigarettes to e-cigarettes conveys ‘substantial health benefits’, states the agency’s updated evidence review, with the devices […]

Proportion of smokers falls to lowest ever level

[…] range at 15.8 per cent, and the lowest the over-65s at 8 per cent. The decrease in smoking rates may be partly explained by an increase in vaping and e-cigarette use, says ONS, with the highest vaping rates among 16 to 24-year-olds. While 6.4 per cent of over-16s reported vaping in 2020, by last […]

More young people vaping while fewer taking drugs

[…] according to the latest figures from NHS Digital. However, while the number of young people smoking has fallen to 3 per cent, 9 per cent now report vaping, compared to 6 per cent in 2018. The rate of e-cigarette use among 15-year-old girls had more than doubled since 2018 The Smoking, drinking and drug […]

Smoking-related hospital admissions up 5 per cent in a year

[…] largely opposed to products like e-cigarettes (https://www.drinkanddrugsnews.com/igniting-the-debate/).  According to a recent survey of almost 12,300 adults commissioned by ASH, nearly 40 per cent of UK smokers think vaping is ‘as or more risky’ compared to smoking, an increase from just 27 per cent a year ago (https://www.drinkanddrugsnews.com/four-in-ten-smokers-believe-vaping-is-as-harmful/). woman smoking to illustrate an article on […]

E-cigarettes: a double-edged sword in the battle to stop smoking

[…] aid smokers in quitting. In the year 2020-2021, e-cigarette use was associated with the highest success rates (64.9%) in smoking cessation services, compared to attempts made without vaping devices (58.6%). A noteworthy clinical trial led by Peter Hajek from Queen Mary University of London found that e-cigarettes doubled the success rate of quitting compared […]

Young smoker is vaping e-cigarette or vaporizer.

Young smoker is vaping e-cigarette or vaporizer.

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Semi-synthetic cannabinoids on the rise, says EMCDDA

Three ‘semi-synthetic’ cannabinoids (SSCs) have been identified on the European drug market over the last year, says EMCDDA, which may ‘signal the first major new change in the market for “legal” replacements to cannabis since Spice-type products (containing synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists) emerged in Europe just over 15 years ago’. The agency has issued a […]

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England has highest global rate of child alcohol consumption

[…] studied data from almost 280,000 children and young people across 44 countries to find trends in adolescent substance use. Alcohol was the most commonly used substance, but vaping was now more common than smoking among young people, the document states. More than half of 15-year-olds in Europe had drunk alcohol, while one in five […]

Letters to the editor – March issue

[…] e-cigarettes. The answer was 23 per cent, the exact percentage of the recorded drop in tobacco smokers. Interestingly, the great majority of those who had switched to vaping were in treatment and identified as being in recovery. It seems self-evident that there is a useful piece of work to be done with those service […]

Free to breathe

[…] can have a beneficial impact – even for smokers not already determined to quit – why aren’t we doing all we can to reduce the barriers to vaping? Charging smokers a price for using e-cigarettes is one of the barriers that is starting to look decidedly inappropriate. There is an inverse relationship between smoking […]

Letters and comment

[…] magazine on the relatively low uptake of e-cigarette use, and the misconceptions around how harmful they are compared to normal cigarettes. This is despite PHE stating that vaping was 95 less harmful than smoking. McKeganey states that alongside confusion and dislike of the paraphernalia, this has led to only around 15 per cent of […]

Potent cannabinoid use

[…] the potential for huge financial gain, with hash oil riding on the back of the legitimisation – through medicine – of cannabis and the convenient appearance of vaping technologies, and synthetic cannabinoids exploiting a gap in the market for an unregulated cheap ‘stone’ in the face of very expensive herbal cannabis. Butane hash oil (BHO, also […]

In mind and body

[…] reduction and sexual health. According to Professor Gerry Stimson, one the biggest developments in drug harm reduction in recent years has been the rise and rise of vaping. E-cigarettes could, as some economists have predicted, overtake their deadly tobacco equivalents in less than ten years. However, the success of vaping in reducing the smoking […]

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[…] those problems. There is an adult version and an adolescent version, it focuses on all types of addiction including; alcohol, illicit drugs, problematic drinking, prescription drugs and vaping, and does not rely exclusively on self-reporting to make the identification. SASSI Direct Ltd offers two-day CPD accredited courses (13 CPD points) in its administration, scoring, […]

Every constituency backs tobacco ban

There is support for phasing out the sale of tobacco in every parliamentary constituency in England, Scotland and Wales, according to a survey of more than 13,000 people commissioned by ASH. Support in constituencies ranged from 57 per cent to 74 per cent, says the poll, which was financed by Cancer Research and carried out […]

A chance to breathe: the case for e-cigarettes

[…] at the Global Forum on Nicotine in Warsaw in June – and had my eyes firmly opened. I got chatting to two people, both of whom were vaping. Eric, now in his late 60s, explained that he was a retired teacher and had smoked since he was 16 years old. He had tried everything […]

DDN February 2024

[…] years ago you could spot a drugs conference venue from the large group of smokers outside. The difference is that many of us with a choice are vaping these days. It’s a different story for people who are homeless. The choice may have been offered briefly during COVID to keep people indoors in emergency […]

Harm reduction flyers on nitazenes

Release, alongside EuroNPUD and other drug treatment service colleagues in the UK, have produced harm reduction advice on nitazenes. There has been an increase of nitazenes detected across the UK drug supply. These substances are a class of synthetic opioids that are believed to be as strong (or stronger) than fentanyl.  The 2022 Afghan ban […]

DDN February 2023

[…] an eye-watering level of deception, read about the fight to end the reign of the killer cigarette (p16). Will the combustible cling to power – or will vaping save the day?  As always, we want your views! Read the February issue as an online magazine or download the PDF here Claire Brown, editor Please send your […]

Online casino spending highest in deprived areas

[…] with the poorest areas not meeting it until 2044. Among the document’s recommendations are more investment in high-quality support, making prevention ‘part of the NHS’s DNA’, promoting vaping, and increasing the age of sale by one year every year from the age of 18 ‘until no one can buy a tobacco product in this […]

E-cigarettes could be prescribed on NHS

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has published updated guidance that could allow e-cigarette products to be prescribed to people who want to stop smoking. Expert reviews  from the UK and US have been clear that the regulated e-cigarettes are less harmful than smoking This would mean England becoming the first country in […]

More needs to be done to help vulnerable people quit this Stoptober

[…] been proven to dramatically increase the chances of people quitting successfully. One common misconception surrounding treatment strategies is that e-cigs are as harmful as smoking. However, whilst vaping is not risk free it is far less harmful than smoking. Using nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) or e-cigarettes makes it one and a half times more […]

Face to face

[…] (I’ve certainly had this happen a few times in my home). Then there’s the poor etiquette observed – which has included people lying in bed during training, vaping mid meeting, or forgetting to mute microphones while holding unrelated conversations off camera. We also fail to recognise how off-putting it can be for a trainer/presenter […]

A case for e-cigarettes

[…] burnt. They are used by people who want to stop smoking but who do not want to or cannot stop using nicotine.  A visit to e-cigarettes and vaping websites indicates extraordinary testimony of their successful use by long-term smokers. E-cigarettes contain some potentially harmful constituents but at traces very much lower than found in […]

Becoming visible: homelessness

[…] cessation. There were many things that we could do and should be thinking about ‘rather than just getting people on a script’, he said, such as offering vaping pens to replace the ‘crappy roll-ups’ that caused lung disease. With evidence being ignored on many initiatives that would have a positive impact, Stevens concluded that […]

Relax laws on e-cigarettes, urge MPs

[…] call to improve the process to enable e-cigarettes to be licensed as medicines is extremely welcome. E-cigarettes have already helped many smokers to quit, but they could help many more. Licensed products could transform the public’s understanding of e-cigarettes and help many more smokers see vaping as a viable alternative to smoking.’  E-cigarettes report here