A new online tool to help people stay up to date with changes to treatment and pharmacy services during the COVID-19 outbreak has been launched by the Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF), We Are With You and Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs.
Pharmacies and treatment services can submit weekly updates, which are then shared through the lead organisations’ websites and social media channels. The database can also be accessed in the form of a user-friendly map, to allow people to see what is available close to them.
‘It has been a real team effort to create a map of all Scotland’s drug and alcohol services’ revised arrangements during the COVID-19 lockdown,’ said We Are With You Executive Director Andrew Horne. ‘People can now see, at the click of a button, which services are being delivered across the country. Whether it’s new arrangements for emergency one-to-one support, or injecting equipment delivery services, people can get accurate information from a central source. We can all get through these times if we work together and look out for each other.’
The tool would complement the Scottish Drug Service and Needle Exchange Directory websites, added SDF CEO David Liddell. ‘It has been a cause of great concern to hear that some of the most vulnerable people in our society have not been able to access basic support with their drug problems during a particularly challenging time for all of us. This tool will ensure that services and people with drug problems have access to real-time information on current service provision.’
Tool available at www.sdf.org.uk – view it here