Learning from the most challenging year of my working life

Humankind CEO - Paul Townsley
Humankind CEO – Paul Townsley

I constantly ask myself what I have learnt from the COVID crisis. This blog outlines my reflections as a CEO on how I have helped Humankind manage the ‘unprecedented’ context brought about by a global pandemic.

Humankind and I have learnt so much and we want to take this learning into the future. I look back on the last year with a huge sense of pride in what we have achieved.

It’s the one-year anniversary of COVID and a good time to pause and reflect on the last year. It has been the most challenging of my working life. Believe me, I have had some challenging ones. We were faced with the worst of scenarios, both as a country and planet and in our communities, homes, and workplaces in the UK. Two weeks before COVID and lockdown we were still not really talking about the pandemic or its implications, at work or anywhere else. In just a week this changed dramatically. I spent this week, before lockdown, travelling to and from London, and we all felt on the edge of a crisis.

Read Paul’s blog here

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The full version of this content first appeared on Humankind’s blog

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