Keeping that human connection during the pandemic

“Glasgow from Queens Park” by Ian Dick is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

With You’s drug and alcohol work in Glasgow is all about relationships, and we’ve worked hard to keep that human connection without face to face support, says Tracy Morrice, service manager, With You North East Glasgow Recovery Hub.

We’ve also explored new ways to provide support offline. We started finding ways to help people access food, clothing and toiletries in lockdown. We also began distributing Naloxone — a lifesaving medication to reverse opioid overdose — door to door and providing doorstep training.

The end result of this hard work is that, despite everything, we’ve maintained consistently high referrals and have continued to keep people engaged with the services. At the same time, we’ve found some of the things we’ve started doing cut down the time between when someone contacts us and when they start getting support — we’re now able to help people almost immediately. We’re also seeing more people seeking support for the first time; an average of 58% of people accessing our services between May and December of 2020 had never engaged with services before.

Read the full blog post here.

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This content was created by With You

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