Social Interest Group’s Biscot House held a BBQ with royal games to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee on Monday 30th May.
Residents supported staff and the activities coordinator to decorate the project in preparation for the event.
In typical Biscot style, the rainy weather didn’t deter them; they simply set up the food table inside.
The support worker took the lead in cooking the BBQ food. She brought in some brilliant games and a quiz to keep everyone entertained, and the residents chose which games to play.
They played bingo – PK the winner, won an Ed Hardy bag which he was very pleased with!
For most, it was their first time playing bingo and everyone really enjoyed it. Rather than shouting bingo, residents chose which royal they wanted to be and had to shout their name whilst holding up a picture of their face.
They went on to play Higher or Lower, which a very competitive resident AC won.
Read the full blog post here.
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This content was created by Social Interest Group