Forcing everyone down the same path means losing sight of many on the way.
By Julie Breslin, Head of Drink Wise, Age Well
Walk into one of Drink Wise, Age Well’s MAP (Mutual Aid Partnership) support groups and you’ll meet a whole host of people in different situations. Some will be abstinent, others will be attempting to reduce their alcohol use and some will see themselves as ‘controlled’ drinkers. All these people support and respect what works for each other, no matter how much this varies.
Drink Wise, Age Well is a programme that helps older adults make healthier choices about their drinking. Statistics show younger generations are consuming less alcohol while older adults are drinking more. People aged 45 or over now account for 69% of hospital admissions where the main cause was due to alcohol. It’s vital we support more older adults to make healthier choices when it comes to alcohol, but promoting abstinence as the only option can often be counter-productive.
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