Thank you to all the speakers, delegates and exhibitors who attended the 2013 Families First conference!
Below you can view some of the presentations that were given on the day. Full coverage of the event can be found here.
Morning session
Kate McKenzie, mother and activist, gave a family perspective on the call for fair treatment:
Mark Gilman, the recovery lead for Public Health England, looked at how families can help their loved ones achieve recovery while looking after their own welfare:
Nick Barton, chief executive of Action on Addiction, looked at ‘tough love'” how do you keep a loved one’s recovery on track while looking after the needs of the family in their own right?:
Alcohol and families, Lauren Booker – workplace manager, Alcohol concern:
Club drugs and legal highs, Becky Harris and Mark Dunn from The club Drugs Clinic:
Carers’ rights by The Princes Trust
Final session
Kate Peake of Adfam shared how new publicity techniques such as flash mobs can be used to talk about the challenges and benefits of speaking out for families: