Detox and rehabilitation facilities play an important role in support. A mixed model is emerging in a complex treatment landscape, says Nye Jones.
Grace* started using drugs at the age of nine. Growing up in London, she describes herself as a “street kid who struggled to get into the swing of life”, with drugs helping numb the pain of her difficult upbringing. Fast forward a few decades and Grace had moved to Cornwall. She was a mother, holding down a good job, but still using heavily. She describes it as “like spinning a hundred plates at once to try to stay sane, it was my dirty little secret, I wasn’t going to rehab.”
But eventually her secret got out. She started working with With You in Cornwall’s community service before her worker referred her into the residential rehabilitation centre in Chy, also run by With You. Chy is an 18 bed centre situated in a historic building and gardens just outside Truro. Residents go through a twelve week programme focusing on building people back up, with interventions like counselling and art psychotherapy. There are even kennels so residents don’t have to be split up from their dogs, with service manager Miriam Brenton describing it as a “therapeutic community.”
Read the full blog post here.
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This content was created by With You