As we slowly ease out of lockdown this month, there are many valid worries and fears that you may be experiencing. Turning Point offers some quick tips to help handle post-lockdown stress triggers.
1. I don’t feel ready to see people again
The lockdown has made some of us realise that we actually quite enjoy our own company, and not having to reach out to, or deal with others.
It is fine to feel this way, however it is important to start thinking about coming out of our own hibernation. Taking small steps can help you to gradually ease back into things. Start one day with a drive out somewhere for a secluded walk, build up to a quick food shop, and sit and have a coffee with someone you trust and feel comfortable with. From there, you can start to build up your confidence again to meet with people.
Maybe you have really enjoyed the reduction in social interactions, less time spent on social media, or have put more time into positive hobbies. If so, continue with this if it makes you happy. Try and find a good balance.
The easing of lockdown may feel like a threat to your current situation, if you are suffering with mental health issues and feel more comfortable the new routines you have established at home. Speaking to your workplace, and any support networks you have in place will be important to you if you want to feel secure again.
Read more here.
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This content was created by Turning Point