Drink Wise Age Well: real stories

A group of peopleAfter six years, the ‘Drink Wise Age Well’ programme is ending. These are the stories of people supported by the project.

Born in 2015, Drink Wise Age Well was a project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, to support people over 50 to make healthier choices around alcohol. From training nearly 10,000 professionals to better support older adults, to holding 1,300 alcohol awareness workshops with people over 50, the programme has left a big imprint in communities across the UK.

But beyond the statistics, there are personal tales of lives changed and new chances. Here, four beneficiaries of the programme share their stories.

Alan: “I learnt a new language — a life without alcohol”

When my long term relationship broke down I ended up living alone in Glasgow. I started to binge drink as I had nothing else to do, quickly shifting from being a social drinker to drinking at home alone.

Read the full blog post here.

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