Cross-party MPs demand reform of UK drug laws

27th May 2021 marks 50 years since the UK’s Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 received Royal Assent. This pivotal anniversary has spurred charities, senior scientists, ex-police, public health specialists, bereaved family members, and over 50 MPs and Peers from all parties to sign a statement calling for the Government to urgently review the Misuse of Drugs Act.

The joint statement says, “The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) is not fit for purpose. For 50 years, it has failed to reduce drug consumption. Instead it has increased harm, damaged public health and exacerbated social inequalities. Change cannot be delayed any longer. We need reform and new legislation to ensure that future drug policy protects human rights, promotes public health and ensures social justice.”

According to the latest Home Office review, the annual cost of drug enforcement in England alone is £1.4 billion, yet the UK currently has one of the highest drug-related deaths rates in Europe.

New data analysis by drug reform charity Transform Drug Policy Foundation shows that since 1971, the Misuse of Drugs Act, or the ‘War on Drugs’ has failed to reduce harms or protect people (full data analysis and sources available on request).

In England and Wales alone:

• Annual drug-related deaths have risen from 38 to 2883 – an increase of over 7,000%
• Heroin use has increased from under 10,000 people to over 250,000 – an increase of 2,500%
• Cannabis use has increased from around half a million people to over 2.5 million – an increase of 400%
• Cocaine seizures have increased from around 6kg a year to over 4,000kg a year, a 666 fold increase, but the UK still has the highest rate of cocaine use in Europe (with 5.3% of young adults using cocaine in the last year).

MPs from across the political spectrum are making the case for reform, and highlighting the failure of the Misuse of Drugs Act to fulfil its primary purpose of protecting UK citizens against the harms of drugs:

“The Misuse of Drugs Act is hopelessly outdated and in need of urgent reform and change. Drugs policy should no longer be seen through the narrow prism of the criminal justice system but as a health issue, so that we can ensure those with drug dependence can get better access to the help and support they need.” – Dr Dan Poulter MP (Conservative)

“The Misuse of Drugs Act was supposed to eradicate drug use, reduce harm, and keep people safe. But since 1971, drug use has risen dramatically in the UK, decent people have been needlessly criminalised and had their lives destroyed, those struggling with addictions have been stigmatised and punished, thousands of children have fallen victim to trafficking and exploitation at the hands of criminal gangs, and we are in the midst of a devastating drug-related deaths crisis.” – Jeff Smith MP (Labour)

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Policy and the Cross Party Group on Alcohol, Drugs and Justice will meet on 26th May to mark the 50 year anniversary and discuss options for reform. An Early Day Motion has been tabled to coincide with the meeting calling on Government to be led by the science, and recognise the overwhelming evidence that the current system is not working.

Read the full blog post here.

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