By Clare Taylor, National Director of Operations
Personality disorders are more prevalent within society than many would expect. In 2014, 2.4% of people aged 16–64 screened positive for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) also known as Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) or complex trauma. There is a great amount of stigma associated with the diagnosis of BPD due to a lack of understanding and the devastating effects of living with this without adequate support. A common link between people with BPD is experiences of trauma and emotional dysregulation. This emotional instability can lead to individuals engaging in unhealthy and often risky behaviours with sometimes devastating results.
Rates of personality disorder diagnosis are increasing and more people are requiring mental health services. As a result of pressure on the mental health system, people are waiting up to 2 years to receive treatment and the pandemic has only exacerbated the problem. For this reason we are piloting a new service in Nottinghamshire – Turning Point Connect.
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The full version of this content is available on Turning Point’s blog