Project Reset, a programme of education, intervention, and treatment for alcohol use and gambling aimed at soldiers in North Yorkshire – run as a collaboration between Humankind, North Yorkshire Horizons, and the military – has been funded by the British Army for an additional 12 months.
The success of the project has led to an almost doubling of investment for 2023, which will significantly enhance the support provided to serving military personnel.
Project Reset has also been recognised by the Defence Medical Services, specifically the Surgeon General, as a model for best practice. It now sits as a pilot under the Chief of Defence Peoples space for the consideration of a possible rollout across Defence services in the UK.
While our Mil-SMART recovery programme will continue as a weekly support group available within the Catterick Garrison Community Hub and as a virtual offer, Project Reset focuses on harm reduction and prevention.
It uses presentations to whole units around the dangers and consequences of alcohol use, gambling, and other addictive behaviours, while also educating people how these link to mental health, self-harm, and suicide.
Working in partnership with Departments of Community Mental Health, Unit Welfare Officers, and military Medical Centres, the project has played a pivotal role in retaining soldiers who would otherwise have been discharged.
Nicky Booth, Area Manager at North Yorkshire Horizons, said: “I’m delighted that Humankind has secured a full year of increased funding for Project Reset and Mil-SMART delivery.
“This extension is an excellent opportunity to grow the current service and our collaboration with the armed forces further. It is vital that we continue to support our local military personnel by addressing the risks of alcohol use, gambling, and other addictive behaviours.”
Ruth Hasney, Project Reset Facilitator and Recovery Coordinator at North Yorkshire Horizons, added, “I am so happy that the Project Reset contract has been extended and the funding increased.
“This recognition demonstrates that we are aligned with the British Army in how much we value the support offered. We have worked so hard to achieve the outcomes the project has generated to date, and I am so excited to see how Project Reset can evolve in 2023.”
The increase in funding will allow Project Reset to provide:
- A case worker for one full day per week of military-specific support to Unit Welfare Officers, allowing for additional one-to-one appointments.
- A continuation of current provision with one case worker providing support to Catterick Garrison, including one Mil-SMART group per week provided face-to-face at the Catterick Garrison Community Hub.
- Referrals to Humankind’s North Yorkshire Horizons recovery service where additional support is required for harmful drinking.
- Attendance at health fairs promoting the project and raising awareness of the risks of harmful drinking and other addictive behaviours.
- The delivery of presentations at welfare conferences and to units as required.
- A walk and talk support group in the Catterick area.
- A Facebook peer support page, offering weekly updates, tips, and advice on coping skills and positive messages.
Read the full blog post here.
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This content was created by Humankind