Drugs, Alcohol & Justice All-Party Parliamentary Group reports

Drink and Drugs News (DDN Magazine) is a free magazine for the substance misuse field.

Since 2004 the publication has been available in print and online, and provides an update on drug policy and treatment options.

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The Drugs, Alcohol & Justice All-Party Parliamentary Group provides an opportunity for professionals to meet and discuss issues surrounding drugs, alcohol and criminal justice with parliamentarians. 

The group regularly meets with government and frontbench representatives from all political parties and campaigns on numerous issues across the sector. Chaired by Dan Carden, its programme is coordinated by Solidarity Consulting.

DDN regularly covers meetings of the Drugs, Alcohol and Justice All-Party Parliamentary Group. Below are links to some recent reports.

2024 Reports

Evidence should drive urgent action on alcohol strategy
Evidence should drive urgent action on alcohol strategy







The escalating synthetic opioid crisis. coverage in DDN
The escalating synthetic opioid crisis







2022 Reports

November 22 ddn
Our approach to drug related death is dangerously out of date




Read the article here




july 2022 ddn
We should value lived experience at it’s true worth




Read the article here



DDN February 2022
The drug strategy had the potential to revitalise the sector, heard January’s meeting of the Drugs, Alcohol and Justice APPG – but now it was time to deliver.





Read the article here





2021 Reports

The APPG has continued to meet in 2021 with sessions taking place over zoom since the COVID-19 pandemic.

DDN December 2021
The latest Drugs, Alcohol & Justice All-Party Parliamentary Group invited discussion on more positive initiatives than punishment.






Read the article here



DDN October
DDN October: Learning from the data. Report from the APPG





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DDN June 2021
DDN June 2021: Fifty years on, does anybody believe that the Misuse of Drugs Act is still fit for purpose?




Read the article here





DDN April 2021
April 2021: Senior police call for a fresh approach





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DDN February 2021
February 2021: APPG – We need strong public health messages to tackle older people’s drinking.





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DDN December 2020
December 2020: Opportunity Knocks – reactions to the pandemic have opened doors for action on homelessness.





Read the article here




October DDN Magazine
October 2020: ‘We have a unique role in breaking county lines’




Read the article here.





report from DDN magazine on the APG
July 2020: Prisoners need more support on release




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Report from May DDN magazine on the APG
May 2020: The APPG met on zoom for the first time, where the discussion was around how services were coping with the pandemic.



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DDN magazine report on the APG
January 2020: The ‘substantial upward trend’ in drug-related deaths was explored at the latest meeting of the Drugs, Alcohol & Justice All-Party Parliamentary Group







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Older reports

DDN Magazine Border intelligence article
Drugs, Alcohol & Justice All-Party Parliamentary Group met to discuss what England could learn from drug and alcohol strategies in Scotland and Wales.




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The launch of the ‘Decency, safety, security’ strategy was met with mixed reactions.



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Report from Feb APG
Police are piloting a health-based approach to drug possession.




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APG report April
We are failing to reach women, connect with them and provide a safe environment in treatment.



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Good commissioning goes beyond purchasing.




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