Letters and comment, June 2016

Lethal label

Difficult though the challenge of the emergence of new substances is proving, and whether or not you agree with the recent legislation, I feel that an opportunity has been missed to rename these substances.

They should perhaps be known as potential lethal substances (PLS) – certainly not the very misleading legal high/new psychoactive substance nonsense that they are currently referred to by professionals who frankly should know better.

From the current user to the young, naïve future user of these substances, using worlds such as legal, high, new and psychoactive is no deterrent – on the contrary it can be appealing. However, potential lethal substance is unequivocal; take it and you may die.

As the new legislation proves, there are so many (an infinite amount of) chemical combinations that classification is impossible, likewise enforcement.

Would you drink bleach? No. If consumed it is simply a potential lethal substance (PLS). No classification necessary. Let’s start now – PLS – trips off the tongue doesn’t it?

Do DDN and the many associated agencies and contributors fancy leading the way? It will soon catch on, in so doing giving the honest description that the substances deserve.

Pete Young, Andover, Hampshire

Cutting corners

Against the background of shrinking availability of residential rehabilitation services, it is an unfortunate but true condemnation of the UK addiction recovery sector that the eminent Professor Neil McKeganey found it necessary to point out the mainly unqualified status of a majority of workers (and some execs) in this vital field. And his observations are mainly backed up by the other contributors in your excellent article, ‘False Economies’ (DDN, May, page 10).

The real problems are of course the differences of opinion on what constitutes ‘professional qualifications’ and ‘specialist knowledge’, along with the government’s ever-increasing desire to see every service delivered as cheaply as possible.

Kenneth Eckersley, CEO, Addiction Recovery Training Services (ARTS)

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Great article in this month’s @DDNMagazine about the recent UNGASS meeting. Will things ever change?? #drugpolicyreform #HarmReduction

– @westernbaye2e

@johnbirdswords on #bbctw reminds me of his incredible passionate and utterly compelling (and rambling) talk at @DDNMagazine conference

– @LadbrookInsure

Get real. #AnyonesChild campaign reduces me to tears of both pain and passion. Amazing message drinkanddrugsnews.com/get-real-marthas-accidental-overdose via@DDNMagazine

– @drugactivist

Damp squib? cjwellings.com/ddn/May2016/#6 Excellent coverage in new @DDNMagazine on disappointing #UNGASS2016

– @russwebt

Yes… most people in recovery want to give something back, to celebrate their recovery. Services are abusing this goodwill getting people in recovery to work free for them – using people who are very vulnerable.

– Alan Heselden, via Facebook

I’ve seen McDermott’s Guide to Do-it-yourself Detox in reception at drug services as recently as three years ago. There was some good advice with a comical element!

– Neil Angus, via Facebook

I worked for Lifeline as a young person’s practitioner and prescribing lead for nine years and I have always loved these publications! They are so impactful and accessible, they simply WORKED!! Which in that field was very rare! Michael Linnell and Russell Newcombe are inspiring people and I have been lucky enough to meet them both several times throughout my career.

– Jay Ratcliffe, via Facebook

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