FDAP members’ interests and accreditation safe with SMMGP

It’s business as usual for FDAP members, the organisation’s outgoing chief executive has confirmed. In a statement on 19 January that the professional body for substance misuse workers would close at the end of the month (drinkanddrugsnews.com/fdap-closes-and-transfers-functions-to-smmgp), FDAP’s board transferred all member services to SMMGP.

Carole Sharma: Member interests are fully protected

In the days following the announcement, Carole Sharma has been reiterating this position and today issued the following statement to reassure members:

‘To ensure there is no confusion about the closure of FDAP I wish to state clearly that all membership services are being transferred to SMMGP. This includes all types of accreditation and re-accreditation for individuals, service providers and educational institutions.

‘SMMGP will be writing to members soon and we are all working hard to ensure the handover is as smooth as possible.’