Conference Workshops
Here are the workshop topics that will be covered on the day between 1.45 – 2.45 pm. Details of where they are held will be available at the venue.
The child’s place in cycle of recovery. Delivered by Pete Griffin from Earlybreak: www.earlybreak.co.uk
In an interactive session based on two case studies, delegates will learn to identify how the ‘toxic trio’ of domestic violence, substance use, and mental health impacts on children.
Working with the whole family… what works? Delivered by Hannah Shead from Trevi House: www.treviproject.org
This workshop will share some unique services and examples of good practice of working with families. Participants will then be given the opportunity to design their own community – based family service. Please bring your imagination, a sense of humour and some creative thinking.
The impact that alcohol use has on family members and the different coping mechanisms for this. Delivered by Richard McVey from Aquarius: www.aquarius.org.uk
A workshop looking at the impacts that alcohol use has on family members and the different ways that they can respond to cope with this. This interactive session will include an overview of The Aquarius Project’s research on families, and an overview of the five – step method.
Tough Love – is it easier said than done? Delivered by Jennifer Upperdine from Swanswell: www.swanswell.org
People who misuse alcohol and/or drugs often blame those closest to them for their problems. Swanswell’s carer support service offers advice and support for family members and friends who are affected. This session will provide practical advice on practising tough love.
Patient choice. Delivered by Jason Gough from Patient Opinion: www.patientopinion.org.uk
A workshop on how those family members could become carer representatives and the tools they may need to do this. We want to make sure that the families go away from the conference feeling more supported and empowered and will seek to give them practical information to take away.
Criminal Justice, the impact of prison on families. Delivered by Sue Goodliffe from Adfam: www.adfam.org.uk
Practical information for families on what happens from arrest through to release. Also looking at after release – what next?