Expressions of interest

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Expressions of interest for the Provision of the Adult Integrated Drug & Alcohol Treatment System in Southwark

Southwark Council is seeking to invite competitive tenders for the provision of the Adult Integrated Drug & Alcohol Treatment System to the organisation located within the geographical boundaries of the London Borough of Southwark.

Our vision for the provision of adult community drug and alcohol treatment services is for an integrated outcomes-focused system underpinned by recovery principles and delivered by a single provider or small number of providers working together / in consortia. The service will be ambitious, inclusive and shaped by the views and voices of local service users.

The service will comprise of one lot inclusive of the following overarching scope of substance misuse treatment activities as a minimum: Recovery Navigation (Single Point of Contact, Case Management and Care Coordination), Structured Psychosocial Interventions, Clinical Interventions, Primary Care Substance Misuse Liaison and Support, Recovery Community Activities, Harm Reduction Activities, Needs Led Drug Testing, Hospital Liaison and Support, Family and Carer Support, Criminal Justice Pathway and Aftercare & Reintegration services.

A maximum annual contract value of up to, and including, £4.1 million is offered and it is anticipated that the contract will commence on Monday 4 January 2016 for an initial period of three years (with an annual break clause and an option to extend for two further periods of one year at the discretion of Southwark Council). It is the authority’s view that the provisions of the European Council Directive 2001/23/23/EC of 12 March 2001 TUPE may apply.

A PQQ Bidders Event will take place at 2.15pm (for 2.30pm start) on Wednesday 11 March 2015 at Southwark Council, 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2QH.

Please register your intention to attend the Bidders Event via email: by 4pm on Tuesday 10 March 2015. Places are limited to a maximum of 2 representatives per organisation.

To request a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ), please apply in writing (email acceptable and preferred) to: Donna Timms, DAAT Unit Manager, Community Safety Partnership Service, Southwark Council, PO BOX 64529, SE1P 5LX.


Please note, completed PQQS must be returned in accordance with the instructions set out in the PQQ tender pack by no later than 1pm on Tuesday 7 April 2015.

It is anticipated that invitations to tender will be issued during the week commencing Monday 4 May 2015.