About DDN Help

DDN Help brings together resources that are useful to both professionals and also members of the public looking for help and support for themselves or a loved one.

If you have a service you would like to list for free please check in the relevant category to see if you are already included. If you would then still like to add or amend a free entry please use the form on the right hand of the page (may display at the base on mobile version).

DDN can help you advertise and promote your service across print, online, email and social media channels please get in touch if you would like to find out more.


Links to services offering help and support 


Resources for professionals and individuals.


That’s a wrap on the #ddnconf 2024

The DDN Conference is over for another year – huge thanks to all of this year’s visitors, exhibitors and speakers. Look out for our...

DDN Conference 2024

The DDN Conference 2024, 11 July, Birmingham. More information and conference consultation


SDS Training

SDS Training Company was established in 1990 to provide evidence-based, relevant and engaging training of the highest quality to health, social care, education and...

CCAR Recovery Coach Training

We are the first and only Authorised UK Facilitators of the CCAR Recovery Coaching Curriculum; over 65,000 people have attended the CCAR 5-Day Recovery...

Residential Services

River Rehab (The)

Long term and sustainable recovery is our #1 priority, and we deeply respect and value each individual that we encounter. We are committed to...

Clinic Les Alpes

Clinic Les Alpes is situated in a spectacular setting of outstanding natural beauty in the mountains close to the town of Montreux in Switzerland....

More from DDN Help

That’s a wrap on the #ddnconf 2024

The DDN Conference is over for another year – huge thanks to all of this year’s visitors, exhibitors and speakers. Look out for our...

DDN Conference 2024

The DDN Conference 2024, 11 July, Birmingham. More information and conference consultation

The Recovery Walk


The Shine Awards

Liverpool - 10 November Harm Reduction Event - sharing innovation and best practice from across the globe. 2023.hit.org.uk

Club Health Liverpool 2023

Wednesday 1 November – Friday 3 November Liverpool Club Health Liverpool 2023 is the 12th international conference on nightlife, substance use and related health issues. The very...

Women Supporting Women – stories from the frontline

What is good practice when working with women in drug and alcohol treatment services? Online, 8 March 10am - 11.30am. Are you working with women with...