DDN Conference 2024 Programme

The DDN Conference is over for another year – huge thanks to all of this year’s visitors, exhibitors and speakers. Look out for our conference coverage coming soon!

In the meantime, we’ve taken to social media to share some of your fantastic feedback. Read some conference highlights here.

If you have any feedback, photos or video clips of the day, we’d love to hear from you. Please share on social media using the hashtag #ddnconf or send to us directly via DM or by emailing carly@cjwellings.com

DDN Conf 2024


The details for today’s programme are below. As well as seeing some inspirational speakers and getting involved in interactive sessions and debate, there are loads of other things to do!

If you are not already naloxone trained get down to the Cranstoun stand, find out more and pick up a kit. Then sign up to the nalofly app!

Feeling stressed? Chill in the Camerados living room or enjoy a relaxing head and shoulders massage from our therapist Lynette. Remember the day with a trip to the photobooth. Head outside to check out the harm reduction van and remember those we have lost by adding a flower to Anyone’s Child’s interactive display.

There is lots to do, plenty to eat and people to meet. We hope you have a great day!

Don’t forget to sign up to a free subscription for DDN. You may even see yourself in the next issue!

Our photographers and videographers are around all day, please let them know if you don’t want to be pictured or filmed.

8.30 am: Exhibitors set up

9 - 10 am: Registration

10 - 11.20 am: Session one

Welcome and conference introduction.

Deb Hussey and Jude Duncan
Deb Hussey and Jude Duncan

Safer Lives Team: Deb Hussey and Jude Duncan from Turning Point’s team demonstrate the importance of peer-led education and engagement in tackling the ongoing risks from nitazenes and other novel and synthetic opioids.



Shayla Schlossenberg
Shayla Schlossenberg

Shayla Schlossenberg: Release’s drugs service coordinator takes up some of the issues around equal rights to healthcare that have made her regular ‘rough treatment’ column a must-read in DDN.



Radha Allen, B3
Radha Allen, B3

B3 Brent: How a peer-led user organisation works closely with their local service provider to provide needle exchange and other vital services and increase engagement.


11.20 - 11.50 am: Tea, coffee and networking

11.50 - 1.00 pm: Session two

Gareth Balmer With You Fife
Gareth Balmer

Gareth Balmer and the Fife WithYou team: Sharing ideas from a strong peer network to enhance harm reduction services and prevent drug related death.


Stella Kityo
Stella Kityo

Stella Kityo, Founder of Women’s Brand Soulgetic: This passionate women’s development specialist will share inspiration on empowering women and strengthening communities.


Sarah omara
Sarah O’Mara, Red Rose Recovery

Red Rose Recovery: A blueprint for creating meaningful service user led forums, that help to create recovery-ready communities and give an important voice to those accessing treatment systems.


1.00 - 2.00 pm: Lunch and networking

Tickets include refreshments and a full cooked lunch.

2.00 - 3.30 pm: Session three

You are the changemakers: A key part of the day is our interactive session in the afternoon, where we debate what’s working, what’s not, what we need to take forward and who needs to listen.

What does good treatment look like? How can we override stigma? How can we be heard by politicians and policymakers to make sure vital changes actually happen after the event?

Deanne Burch (Hep C U Later) and Deborah Moores (Humankind)
Deanne Burch and Deborah Moores

Hepatitis C – the race for elimination: Deanne Burch (Hep C U Later) and Deborah Moores (Humankind) provide an update on the fight to tackle Hep C and the importance of acting now while funding for treatment is available.

They want to understand more about: the situation in your area, the work you are involved in, the challenges you face, and the resources you need.

Support for this presentation has been provided by Gilead Sciences.


Nic Adamson cgl
Nic Adamson

Meaningful Engagement: Nic Adamson (Change Grow Live) talks about the goal of making sure genuine service user involvement runs through services, influencing better practice and treatment, challenging stigma and giving everyone a voice. 

Nic would like to hear: If you feel engaged with your service, how important it is to you to feel valued, barriers you have encountered, examples of good practice within your service.


Mike Trace forward trust
Mike Trace

Political Persuasion: Mike Trace (Forward Trust) draws on his vast experience of political campaigning to provide an update on the state of play post election, tips and tricks on engaging politicians, and the importance of keeping the pressure on.

Mike wants to know: Your experience of engaging with politicians and urges you to join in a coordinated campaigning strategy.

This session is at the heart of being ‘Stronger Together’ and we need your voice. 

3.30 - 3.45 pm: Conference close

3.45 pm: Free entry to the Motorcycle Museum!

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