Conference Programme
9.30 – 10.30 Coffee and registration
10:30am – Opening Session
Chaired by Adfam chief executive Viv Evans, the session will include a national overview
from NTA chief executive Paul Hayes, and Christine Tebano will give her personal
perspective of setting up a family support service.
11:30am – Coffee Break
11:50am – Session two
After the break Alex Copello, Consultant Clinical Psychologist at University of Birmingham
will present research on coping strategies for families and Niki Durosaro of
Release provides advice on families legal rights around bail, arrest, search warrants, and
access to treatment.
12:30pm – Lunch including relaxation therapy and the family groups exhibition area
1:45pm – Workshops
Small practical workshops including help with criminal justice, practical coping strategies,
boundary setting and the impact of alcohol
2:45pm – The afternoon session
Dr Steve Brinksman chair of SMMGP will provide a GP’s perspective on families affected
by drug and alcohol issues and Karen Biggs, chief executive of Phoenix House will examine
how treatment services provide support for families.
4pm – Finish