Welcome to our new website! We’re very excited that we can now share DDN with you in a more dynamic, interactive format. When we set up the magazine eight years ago, the printed magazine drew a flood of written responses to each issue. We’re aware that these days, in an age of mobile this, that and everything, you want to be able to see DDN on the go, digest the latest news and comment, and respond instantly wherever you are.
You will still be able to receive free copies of the printed magazine in your workplace, but we want to make each issue as accessible as possible, with easy-to-navigate sections and regularly updated content, so you can stay ahead of the news each week. So please get involved with the DDN website, comment on the articles and be a part of our wider community.
We want your news, views and experiences, so please jump in and get involved with DDN online. You can also visit us on Facebook (DDN Magazine), Twitter (@DDNMagazine) and through emailing us at the addresses in the front of the magazine. You’ll find the pdf and ‘virtual’ versions of every issue here on the site, so we’re always within reach!