We are The Forward Trust (formerly RAPt and Blue Sky), the social enterprise with charitable status that empowers people to break the often interlinked cycles of crime and addiction to move forward with their lives.
This is a specialist role that will work alongside all relevant departments within the Riverside team located in Acre Lane, Brixton. Working within an integrated framework to provide support to homeless drug and alcohol users aged 18 and over. The roles main responsibilities will be to provide:
- Relapse prevention support
- Signposting referrals on to other agencies that can provide support
- Support and upskill the team through providing expert advice and substance misuse awareness training to the team at Riverside
Within a Trauma Informed Care (TIC) framework, you will deliver client centred support using both harm reduction and abstinence-based treatment approaches depending on the requirements of the individual client.
You will be required to provide appropriate harm reduction advice and guidance, assess, care plan; deliver structured 1:1 and group-work sessions. Through-care and integration with other services such as Healthcare services, Probation and Housing Options Teams where required are an essential element of the work.